So with PubHack #3 fast approaching, I thought it was time we took a look at some of the projects that teams have made in the past, as well as talk about what may be on the cards for the upcoming event on 7th October.
PubHack #1: Zombies, Dead Hipsters and Shaun of the Dead
The first PubHack took place at the Brewhouse & Kitchen in September 2013. We had 6 teams take part, and the theme was Apocalypse. As this was our first ever event, we had no idea what to expect or what was even possible in 10 hours. The projects that were produced were just brilliant. The winning entries were:
Rise of the Nerds: Overall Winners
Fivestar Apps, a 2 man team, re-created the entire Brewhouse pub, using photographs for textures, as well as PubHack attendees faces for the zombies. Much fun was had flinging ninja stars at Zombies that day.
Has it Blown Over Yet? Winners of Most Likely to Commercially Succeed
Team #DevsDoDesign took inspiration from Shaun of the Dead and UK Snow, and produced a map whereby you can mark how bad the zombie outbreak is in your area. I especially enjoyed the comments left by other PubHackers using the map.
Apocolhipster: PubHack #1 Best Design
Some of the guys from Port 57 Studio came together to form team Applied Bonzolance. They designed a game where you use your iPhone to control the zombie hipsters. Created using node.js and create.js, they used websockets to send real-time accelerometer data from iPhones and iPads allowing anyone to control a character on the big screen just by waving their phone around.
PubHack #2 – Gin, Cats, Flappy Bird & First World Problem helplines
PubHack #2 happened in February 2014, and this time we released more tickets, bringing in 8 teams. The theme this time was First World Problems and the teams really upped their game and produced some real quality projects. Here are some of the highlights:
First World Solutions: Winner of ‘So Wrong It’s Right Award.
It was a three part presentation by team ‘This Quiz is Shit’ (which included printed flyers and a live phone call) as the guys created three separate solutions. The website had a dedicated helpline, the Twitter feed mixed up 2 different tweets to make ridiculous first world problems, and they also created a Knockout site where you can pit 2 first world problems against each other.
Overall Winners & Most Likely to Receive a Lawsuit – Jo’s Happy Super Fun Time Catchy Sofa Game
Team Twenty Plus One created a web game, which you can either control with your mouse or a leap motion controller. The idea behind it is that you catch items falling such as cats, laptops, and bottles of gin. If you drink too much gin you go into super drunk mode. Have a go here:
Flappy Bird Fitness – Most Likely to Commercially Succeed
The guys from Fivestar Apps returned to PubHack #2 having won overall winners at PubHack #1. This time they re-created Flappy Birds as an iOS app which used the accelerometer in an iPhone or iPod, meaning you had to actually flap to make the bird move. A really great entry which had everyone in fits of laughter as they tried to play it.
Best Design – Magic Curveball
Team elEMental who were first time entrants from Emsworth created an app which worked like the Magic 8 Ball. You tell it your first world problem, shake it up and it gives you a solution.The judges loved the design and branding, and the effort that had gone into it. They even got t-shirts printed halfway through the hack!
Think you can take on the challenge?
October 7th will be the 3rd ever PubHack event. There is capacity for 50 entrants to this event, making it the biggest PubHack yet.
There are 6 award categories this year, opening it up to other potential avenues, not just digital. You could do what the Camerateers did last time and take on the challenge by making a film:
Pub Hack 2 #firstworldproblems Film from Storybook Films on Vimeo.
The rumours I’ve heard from teams this year is there will be experiences built with Oculus Rift’s, large format printing and iOS apps.
We’ve already started conjuring up what the theme could be for this event so why not get a team together and join us at the Brewhouse & Kitchen to take on the challenge! You don’t need to have lot’s of technology, just a competitive nature and a penchant for beer and silliness.
Tickets still available
You can get your tickets by clicking on the button below. Hope to see you there!